Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rocky Mountain School of Photography Weekends

Over the weekend I went to a photography workshop here in Boise put on by Rocky Mountain School of Photography. It's a photography school in Missoula Montana. I found out about it from a brochure in the mail, thanks to my friends over at B&H Photo. It was a great weekend with a lot of information and some great tips. I just hope that I can remember everything I learned when it comes time to put them to use. Good thing I took a lot of notes! There were a few things that I had learned in my college photo class, that were nice refreshers. Then there was a lot of things that were new. One of the things I learned was about the quality of light and the photography color wheel. I didn't learn the color wheel stuff in college, because the only class I took was the B&W class and dark room. Without going into way too much detail, basically by changing your white balance to a certain setting, when you have a cloudy gray sky, and making sure you're not overexposing the photo, you get this amazing beautiful blue sky!

This was Monday night when I was playing with the camera

This is what you get when it's cloudy gray outside and you just let the camera choose the settings. Not so pretty, right?
This is what you get when you change your white balance and control the settings a little more. Nothing but beautiful blue sky!

I love photography! Can't wait to try out some more of the fun stuff I learned. Can't wait to learn more great stuff about photography!


Mollie Photo said...

you blogged!!! how fun! i want to go to a workshop, we should plan to go to one in mexico or something cool like that!

Heidi Bitsch said...

Oooh, yeah! That would be awesome! Let's go! :)

James and Tricia Thomas said...

I totally wish I could have taken that class with you! Thanks for the info! I don't know Mollie but I am in for the Mexico trip also!

Jessica said...

I want to take a photography class too and i'm totally down with mexico! I guess i need to get a digital slr camera first though.

jeff and alli said...

Nice, I need some skills like that.