Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday Night Fever

Annie's cousin Lisa threw a disco party to celebrate her husband's birthday and we were required to wear 70's clothes. So Annie and I hit the racks of Savers to find us some duds. Annie found her sweet outfit in the vintage section and it just couldn't be passed up. I got my white pants there and the top, earrings, and necklace I'm wearing were borrowed from Lisa.

Workin' it for the camera. Can you tell I'm trying to not fall off the top of the ladder.

Krista and Jess

Brian and Lisa trying to come up with some awesome poses for the camera.


Some of Brian's and Lisa's friends. Some of them had some way cool outfits on.

Brian getting his groove on.

Annie looking awesome with her green outfit and purple ball.

This was the shot of the night.

Working it with the bowling ball.

Krista and Jess

I love Lisa's face. Classic!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow, great costumes! Looks like a fun night out.